You sure? It didn't seem there was much of a point for the promo beyond "Hey buddy! It's NBC! Remember us? We still have watchable television!"
Pretty sure it doesn't rank as one of the best commercials - but no mention of NBC's "Brotherhood of Man" montage?
Sava you magnificent bastard! I love Into The Woods. Hell, I was Jack back in high school.
Gorgeous my ass, auto-tune can go fuck itself.
If it ain't Smith, its shit.
For Standish IS the Qwisatz Haderach!
"Why the hell is everything typed up on computers nowadays? I've never heard of them." - Andy Rooney
Thanks Sean. Nicely done.
The continuous parody of the old animated Rankin & "Bass" (CONNECTION!?!) version of "The Hobbit" kills me everytime, with a particular nod to the use of the tune of the Goblins as Lemmiwinks and crew rush to confront Wikileaks.
Yeah just pump my gas, butthead
"Once ze rocket goes up, who cares vhere it comes down? That's not my department," says Verner Von Braun.
Hooray for Sun Kil Moon!
Steady my soul and ease my worry. Hold me when I rattle like a hummingbird hummin'. Tie me to the rocks on the mountain my savior made.
Man that song always did smack of New Buffalo - you learn something every day.
Does anybody else get turned on when Feist starts singing over Kings of Convenience's "The Build-Up"?
Congratulations - this is the first comment that made me wish there was a "Dislike" button.
Dude! The Doc pulled a 'Chrono Trigger'. Hot damn.