I'm just anticipating the spin-off "Drexler", where good ole' Drex opens up a detective agency after discovering that he can resist becoming evil as long as he distances himself from Frank's irresistable musk.
Christina Ricci's acting skill just isnt' the same when you can't see her knockers all the time. Maybe Samuel L. needs to break some barriers and show up.
I was really hoping they'd take the hard turn after the season 3 finale, and find a reason to move past Red John (that Whitford wasn't I feel is a disservice to the excellent one-time performance he brought to bear as the character) but it looks like they're just cashing in like everyone expected them to.
Zedd was fuckin' rad.
Hahaha - Capp thinks there's "an established AV club comment culture" - like it's the cast of fuckin Frasier or somefin.
Lawlz, drama much? Airbender got pretty shitty sometimes.
Dude - where's the new Thundercats coverage? That shizz is fantastic - like the best of Star Wars and The Last Airbender rolled together.
Geebus - who do these bastards think they are selling awesome this cheap.
Don't you know? It'll all be ghost-directed by Spielberg anyway.
Holy shit. Hooper's behind this? Nothing to say other than "I'm there."
Fuckin Jimmy Cromwell - love that kid.
So does Mandy Moore avoid asking to sing on any of Adams' work as a professional courtesy?
Wait a second - no love for Heartbreaker? That album is a monster all over.
Either you've mistaken a word, or you are totally Chomsky-in it up right now.
The producers of Metatron really missed out on some fantastic demographic crossover, skipping a jointly released soundtrack featuring CCM's most popular artists!
Mexican Transformers - "Cochinabots lanzar!"
Dirty Rain
Glad to see it made the cut - live version of the song kicks ass.