Sorry, I should say more "intermediate between" and less "mend" between those two things - which would also support his deepened understanding of Peter and 'La Machina'. There's also a Q-mark missing in there.
So what does this all mean for Sam?
I mean, who the hell is this guy? If Sam really is the author of those books, and those books were supposedly written in the early 20th century - wouldn't that place Sam at an age far older than he looks?
As good as "Modern Warfare"
Don't do it Stotch!
Sometimes, what you take out of the ground ain't the same thing you put in!
"In this department, we go by the book!"
"Bye book."
Yeah that YouTube set is gag-inducing. I won't spoil the whole thing, but a highlight is him wearing a pair of oversized jars of peanut-butter (full mind you) as a pair of booties.
Owl said it- this is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen on the internet.
Neat Motown fact of the day
Before he was Mr. "Sexual Healing", Marvin Gaye was a session drummer, who played the kit on "Please Mr. Postman", amongst some other Marvelette's numbers.
Hey hobo man, hey dapper dan
Ya both got your style, but brother you're never fully dressed without yer gat.
Nao das wut I call a "close encounter"
I stopped watching the episode as soon as I made the connection to pop over here and echo how awesome indeed the throwback to Twin Peaks was. Fuck yeah crazy, haggard Russ Tamblyn.
Lost Tyree! Lost Hutch!
This is a big problem.
I'm going to talk all this over with my priest, or my tailor, or my mute elevator porter at my men's club, and then take this problem and crush it with my mind vice.
What does he look like to you? A farmer?
Kabletown! Take me away!
You fucking said it.
They do make the most wonderful headcheese.
I'm sitting there going "WTF? Did they seriously just drop in some random Captain Marvel bit with hopes of rapping up some geek cred? And what kind of audience would even pick up on that?" Weird, snarky d-bags like me apparently.