giant spider invasion

Hackle's demeanor strikes me as a solid throwback to all those overblown noir cops outta Chandler, guys like Fred Beifus out of "The Little Sister" - grilling Marlowe relentlessly and treating him with significant hostility - only seeing him as a loose wrench in the local law enforcement machine.

Solid idea. This will help me cope with just having finished JLU: Season 2.

Comfort Eagle forever.

I just figured that with Johnny-freakin'-Greenwood and Phil Selway we could have had a couple of musical interludes that didn't feel skin-crawlingly awkward. Jarvis Cocker really phoned those tunes in.

Weird Sisters…
…they really suck.

Say what again!
'English' little sucker, do you speak it!

fucking R. Kelly
This stuff is hot shit - haven't had this unadulterated fun since "Step In The Name of Love".

People really do love to heap laud on supremely depressing shit.

Victor Mature, I think I love you bro.

You sound like you're an EXPERT Mark!

Oh it doesn't stop at Grizz and Dakam - it get's better. Other NPC's in the Twi-Hi:

Boy Gib, doesn't take much to get your panties in a twist. Next time we get intimate I won't use as many fingers.

Geebus Gibberish: 6 hours? Eff me - even when I was considered a regular player, God forbid if I ever spent more than 2 hours raiding twice a week.

My God…
It's full of fluff.

So does this mean…
that I'll finally have a chance to see that Huntress, Black Canary love-story arc that I've been pining for since the end of JLU?

You got it Zoidberg.

Abed's little song to Britta Bot was the one who got me/

Teddy Pierce
Bleep bloop for me to!

Uh, yeah, the ending closer on "Fables" is screaming for a Glee gang-vocal interpretation.

It doesn't take much for me, but I still fucking love Kurt Russel - all the way back from my first exposure in "The Thing". What a pimp.