Docta' Walton Jones! No mo' parachutes!
Docta' Walton Jones! No mo' parachutes!
Stray thoughts:
A. I don't like the addition of super cool technology courtesy of Ilsa. I appreciated the fact that it seemed like the fellas were working out of old CRT monitored desktops, phones with cords, and file cabinets. It pushes away some of the kitschy quirk of the show and kicks it towards more of a crappy…
"Fog as thick as peanut butter…"
"…you mean pea soup."
Fucking terrible new theme is fucking terrible. Cutting Bear out of the game was a further blunder.
holy shit
that ringtone fucking slayed me. amazing.
Indeed. Backdatmothafuckaup!You know: fo' the kids!
My version was a truer-to-the-source-material, post-modern, independent remake of your more commercially viable, Michael Bay-fanboy representation
Boom boom acka-lacka-lacka boom
Boom boom acka-lacka boom boom.
Rejoicing Zombie
Soldiers firing rockets at Cthulhu eh? Well I'm sold now.
This was the "Songs Most Likely to Make Michael Scott Cry" list.
the accompanying promo image
Considering I haven't watched the episode yet, I find that visual thoroughly disturbing.
What can I say? If the guy isn't falling apart at the seams from molecular decohesion, he just strikes me as a teddy bear.
I know you 'don't' got soul.
…Whenever I smell asphalt, I think of Maureen.
or at least most GOOD ones (and you don't count, "The Wire")
If we're talking favorites, Party Ben aka Dean Gray's "American Edit" has a special place close to my heart.
Indeed Spam, The Grey Album is one of the true great originals
One of God's gifts to mankind. Ever since they started releasing their Best of Comps, my world was opened to a beautiful, rainbow pony world of awesome songs made awesome-r by being coupled with other awesome songs.
Where the hell is Leonard's twitter url? Gotta have some way to keep track of his pregnancy scares.