Titus Andronicus

Am I the only one
who has the distinct impression that during the mentorshit, Miley Cyrus filled the room with vaginal B.O.? She looked dirty.

so is it compulsory
for Tim Urban to look like he is shocked and awed every time he finds out he is safe? On the flip side, Crystalsox always gives this knowing nod akin to "that'll do, pig".

looks exactly like that supple, promising, B+ student that Glenn Beck raped and murdered in 1989.

at least
Aaron kelly holds his mic like a diva…

the hair on clarks what?

I want mine
with insta-cirrhosis action.

I get the vibe
that Toothpaste is trying to nudge himself into being something more relevant than an MC. Dude needs to give it a rest.

More like…
REPRESSED spirit awards. AMIRITE?

There, I said it.
No Asian will ever win AI.

Hey Claire
did you notice when Ryan went all dad style on Simon when he said "What good did that do?" and the studio went dead quiet. Simon looked like he was going to jump over the desk and strangle him. Toothpaste reminded me of that scene in Goodfellas where Deniro goes apeshit when everybody walks in with new

What says Diabeetus on this pressing issue?

Snap Crackle Pop
Anyone ever have that aunt who relentlessly smoked and used alot of hair spray so that her hair crackled when you touched it and would burst into flames if ambient temperatures were above 80 degrees? That was Kara's hair last night.

Better late then never, Amelie
Whats a charticle? I think I swallowed one once.

first get goopy over this wonderful turn in her illustrious career!

Oh and by the way
What the fuck do we call this hipster garbage music that car commercials (looking at you, honda) and walmart use for their ads? I call it pussy-pop because of the amount of ukulele, toy piano, prog bullshit keyboards, and emo affectations. Holy fuck.

what do you think powers those badass shoulder lasers? Thats right, babies and poop.

even Roni Size tanked. I've had to migrate to breakbeat and harder stuff to capture what DnB was/could be. Shitmat, hardcore dub, Venetian Snares anyone?

"decked-out Russian girls"
I hope this means excellent beaming and pressure treated woods?

whatever happened
to good drum n bass?