Titus Andronicus

Terminator Salvation
I have a beasty home theater system and the movie is pretty much only good for audio presentation (think attack on gas station). Also those zombie-like T800s were badass.

nay my friend, old SPICE

Whats that show
its a British show where teams compete to open a new restaurant while being judged by haughty euro-elites. Last restaurant standing? Something like that. Now thats a good show and I like how Brit reality TV takes a more documentarian style rather than MTV quick cuts and overly scripted trash.

play silently with a random Xbox Live moron
HEY! I resemble that remark.

These girls
need some sort of intervention…celebrity…..CELEBRITY PREGNANCY INTERVENTION with Dr. Drew! featuring……DR DREW!

By the way
Who has a story about shitting themselves.

Fuck ass
Fuck that Kwanzaa shit. Fake ass shit muthafucka.

What? I'm standing around a kitchen table with a bunch of metal CDs he recommended arranged in a slightly black mass-esque fashion.

His name
was Leonard Pierce. His name was Leonard Pierce. His name was Leonard Pierce.His name was Leonard Pierce.His name was Leonard Pierce.His name was Leonard Pierce.His name was Leonard Pierce.His name was Leonard Pierce.His name was Leonard Pierce.His name was Leonard Pierce.

Whats wrong with you? High schools get out between 2 and 3pm. Those are the only girls who could look beyond my Ford Taurus which, I might add, has duct tape keeping the bumper attached to the car.

Forgot to ask Kyle
you mentioned the sonic qualities of the remaster, but does AV club have like a listening room or do you just use the included headphones from a 1987 walkman?

I don't have this
because I found the late 80's emo aesthetic a bit dated but man, I've been giving Year Zero and Ghosts 1-24 (or whatever) some solid listenings lately.

was lincoln a….

One of the few
movies actually released in 7.1 audio. Great for home theater. Why doesn't AV ever comment on release quality? What do you use to review new releases?

I remember
last year Nigel was practically crawling in his skin when the 2 dudes did a ballroom audition together. It wasn't good but jesus man, lighten up.


tell me why the judges need to circle jerk all over the choreographers before they tell the dancers they sucked? I'm sure there are dozens of great choreographers willing to be on SYTYCD and not come up with bullshit routines.

Sonya is

everyone point and laugh
at Ryan cuz he don't know how to say "reprise"!!!!