Randy Miller III

^ Nope, this is Murica.

I wouldn't call it Interpol's best, but I've never understood the hate for "Our Love to Admire". It's certainly better than that god-awful self-titled album that came out a few years later, at least.

Maybe it would've explained why he looks like one of the new live-action Ninja Turtles.

Too expensive, just like most coffee shops. That's why I brew at home.

Holy shit, get that dame a job at Pitchfork!

With friends like Fox, who needs friends?

Leona Lewis wrote her autobiography at the ripe old age of 24, months before her second album came out.

Vinnie jumps in through closed window, dies of blood loss on carpet

First Russell's teapot, now this? I'm gonna need some actual proof here, guys.

Still counts!

I could watch Seasons 1, 2, and 3 of The Office (US) on a continuous loop for months on end, they're that good. Season 4 and 5 are pretty damn good, too.

"Sean Penn was doing…Terrence Malick…and Brad Pitt… as well."

Insert Dick(s)

Holy shit, a Screamadelica avatar?

Is this the new MF DOOM?

I'll assume the eventual GoFundMe page will have a goal of $375.50.

I blame the Berenstein Bears.

You're not wrong, Modusoperandi, you're just an asshole.

B…but he's black!

Can't Get Right!