Randy Miller III

♫ "I felt…the Earf tremble…under Iggy Pop's baaawww…awwwllllllsss." ♫
— Dirt McGirt, AKA Big Baby Jesus

Back in high school, my friend and I blasted "Odelay" almost non-stop the entire summer of 199x, so we were pretty damn excited when "Mutations" finally came out. About 20 seconds into the third track, he angrily ejected the newly-bought CD and chucked it out the window of his Jeep, annoyed because it wasn't "Odelay


I'm waiting for the America's Funniest Videos version starring The Jackoffelope.

And there's nothing good on The A.V. Club.

Really, Internet? This is what you've been doing all day?

What should we do between episodes? Just chill?

Et tu, Yamete Onii-chan.

"Olive Garden: Italian food made by Mexicans, eaten by assholes."
- Scott Aukerman
- Jake Gyllenhaal
- Shia LaBeouf

This comment does not contain a lap dance.

I'm imagining the album covers with great big "SANS SKITS" stickers on them.

You guys, A.V. Club implied that "normal" movies don't dress in drag!

Just behind Tony and Toné!

I'm sure most fans have heard all their excellent B-sides by now, by the "My Iron Lung EP" (which came out in 1994, between Pablo Honey and The Bends) is a fantastic little mini-album and, for me, their first really good release. I got it right before The Bends came out and, pound for pound, it's just as good.

Fourth prize is you're fired.

I'll second "Street Fight", it's a fantastic movie.

u even kip bro?

Holy shit, that's up there with the Sugar Ray cruise.

Huh, I initially read this as "Spike Jonze" and got really excited.