Randy Miller III

Not to take away from Bowie's performance, but Klaus Nomi (the backup singer in black) was a ridiculously talented man in his own right and died just four years after this performance…he was one of the first (if not the first) pop culture icon to die from AIDS.

Yeah, they should only review Blink 182 and shit. Get back in your McMansion, whitey!

"Ride Around Shining" FTW

Eh, it sucks ass. They can have it.

It's true, it's true!

Done the impossible? Curse your sudden but inevitable CancerAIDS!

Geez, it's like Candy's making all these movies about him. Plus, his voice has no character.

Beach House's "PPP", hands down. Most of their music takes me to another place, but I like this place the most.

What? It's just the Bollywood version of Max Fisher from Rushmore.

Who'd have thought a contradictory, 186-word article would have no substance?

New Moon > From a Basement on the Hill

"Are you bringing any copies of 1989?"
"Of course not."
"You're not changing anything."

What, incestuous rape isn't funny?

Kentucker? I hardly knew her!

"They felt like bags of sand…"

At least she wasn't in a coma.

I remember liking the Dave Sim issue (#10, maybe?). But I also remember liking the Super Mario Bros. movie.

Maybe we'll finally see his feet!

I love Erik Larsen's artwork and he's a really nice guy too. Back in the early Savage Dragon days, I mailed him a partially finished birthday card for my best friend (who was a huge fan) along with the art supplies to finish it, and he was swell enough to draw the rest and mail it back. It helps that I included

"After Maria (Callies) loses her son…"