Randy Miller III

Pig Latin with banjo accompaniment.

If any shit goes down, you are not alone.


They've got some competition in Arrow Films over the in UK, but it's a win-win for customers. Shame Arrow discs are region locked, though.

See also Twilight Time and Olive Films, both of which have been releasing tons of MGM catalog titles during the last year of so. The prices of both are much higher than their mainstream counterparts (especially considering Olive discs don't have bonus features or even subtitles), but at this point I'll take what I


Haha, I almost forgot about my Dell DJ. Blue backlit screen, 15 GB of storage, and slightly bigger than a deck of cards. I always kept a paper clip handy for resetting the CPU every time if froze up.

Shut the FUCK up, beema!
*ducks head*


"Fill my cup, put some water in it."

That's got nothing on Dikachu's nose!

What's @Updog?

Rushmore was the first Wes Anderson movie I saw in theaters…I loved it, and I still do, more than anything else he's done. I watched Bottle Rocket on VHS a year earlier (which I didn't like at all) and have not seen it since.

How is Thanksgiving not also an orgy of greed? I mean, it's almost a requirement to eat ungodly amounts of food and sleep though at least an entire football game.

B…but, if we all gave $5, the fundraiser would be over within an hour!

Great Job, God! Asshole.

All three stopped performing miracles in their mid-30s.

Wait, so now Bryan Adams covered Taylor Swift?

Fun fact: the "Large Marge" face was done by the Chiodo brothers, who also did "Killer Klowns from Outer Space" and the dinosaur commercial from "Robocop".

Hey, Newswire! Woah, more aggregated SJW bait, huh? All right. Welp, see you later!