Randy Miller III

Back when your username was just "Gentle", right?

Shit, that's like 1/3 of Arcade Fire.

I thought I smelled piss.

2. "Savage"
3. Fuck you, Dan Savage.

"You're So Creative, Internet, I Just Wish You'd Call More Often"

Yes, it isn't.

Holy shit, I just realized that Family Guy is almost twice as old as your daughter. That's kind of depressing.

Captain Mal Reynolds. Protective, clever, cool, and funny as hell.

Yes, but he could sit down on a chair like nobody's business.

Yeah, well the trick is to have awesome stuff happening when he's NOT on screen, too. And killing off the only good human character in less than 45 minutes doesn't help, either.

Snoop Dogg owned at the Trump Roast, I can totally see why he'll be there.


I completely forgot about that album.

It's ya boy Rone, AKA The Muffin Man, AKA Crisco, AKA my grandma's favorite grandson. Ask my grandma!

Maria Callas? Whoever she is.

Is this the new Death Cab for Cutie?

Also Peter Jackson.

How about Cammy's victory pose from Super Street Fighter II?

Somewhere, Darren Jessee and Robert Sledge are nuking another Grandma's Apple Pie and hanging their heads in shame.

I love how Alejandro Iñárritu added the "G." in there.
It really sets him apart from the other Iñárritus.