Randy Miller III

Nice use of "the Cracked Apostrophes", Sam.

While we're at it, let's have a funeral for Papyrus.


Goddamn, Holy Man was awkwardly bad. Until now, I had almost forgotten about seeing that piece of shit in the theater.

But not as lame as Tyler Perry calling his Tyler Perrys "Tyler Perry's"

50 Shades of Beige

That show was better when it was part of Tracy Ullman. The later seasons really fell off.

*Bee Girl runs off A.V. Club stage, crying*

This video gives me the beeps, the sweeps, and the creeps.

Agreed with everything….except "I could give a fuck".


"Look at me, I read The Economist!"

Also, take a drink every time you seen a Volkswagen Fox in the background. I only notice this because I used to own one, but they're everywhere.

You're worried about the effects? That's the least of its problems.

Well, shit. Name nine, then.

*Internet breaks*

Key word is "CGI". Name one movie from the 1990s (besides Jurassic Park and Terminator 2, or anything from Pixar) whose CGI doesn't look like shit now.

"CEO of the Christian women’s group Concerned Women for America"

If second-tier "satire" sites like "The National Report" didn't exist, Snopes wouldn't have much to post these days.

That's the spirit! Give 'em a sick beating!