Randy Miller III

Why do they need more scripts? I thought the shitter was full.


I must take issue with your assumption that I'm casually munching M&Ms in my cubicle.

Wayne may have been li'l, but his impact on this industry, and Cash Money Records, was anything but li'l.


I'm sorry for beema's lack of manners, but he's not used to escorting men.

That's mind-blowing!

I just wanted to go to Caaaliforrrn-ya.

Dragon Warrior IV was also a really great, complex game that came out well after the NES' heyday in 1994. I was a big fan of the first two but had moved on to the SNES by 1990-91, so its very existence surprised me when I discovered it years later. Sadly, it had already gone way out-of-print by then, but it was

Sweet, now I know what day I should make other plans.

*catches all of them easily*

"When people express thoughts you do not share, you have to come up with a more eloquent response than showing your ass."

So we've skipped right to early 90s music ripoffs homages already?
Can't we just enjoy synthesizers for a few more months?

And I'm Phil Hartman! My career is going great but only has a few years left!

Season 4 was OK…it was a pretty steady drop from there.


None more black?

Wow, I totally used a Trapper Keeper in the 80s too!
The Internet understands me as a person.

Fuckin' time zones, how do they work?

"Hi, my names Pinkie P…"