Randy Miller III

Shit, can't anyone spell "nickel" around here?!

It only makes sense when you're home, alone on the Internet.

Thanks for taking the bullet for your fellow assholes.

So true. I make it a point to watch that movie at least once every few months and it just floors me every time.


Yep, just saw that. My bad.

Also, nothing from The Office made the cut? Seriously? I'd put almost all of Seasons 2 and 3 up against pretty much everything so far.

Counterpoint: too much goddamn teal and orange, Internet.

I don't want to hear old sad bastard music, dapernz! I just want something I can ignore.

Also less production. Not a big fan of "Technicolor" B&S.

Lena Dunham?

"In my defense, Your Honor, I was Catholic at the time."

Same difference.

He might even be Polanski himself. After all, McRibs are only allowed in the U.S. for a limited time.

Also, that avatar!

They're just jealous because drum machines keep better time.

What could go wrong?

After Prometheus, I almost forgot what Aliens looked like.


R.I.P., but it was Dan Patrick (with Keith Olbermann).