Randy Miller III

When the fuck did you turn into "America's Funniest Home Videos", Internet?


The two that stick out the most for me are Final Fantasy III and Chrono Trigger, which I got for Christmas successively in 1994 and 1995. Nothing like a week or two off of school and plenty of free time to explore games like that. Incidentally, I've been playing through FF3 again this year, having been away from it

He's got a face like an arse!


Awesome! He's juuuust black enough that white people will love him.

Old Man Potter will give you fifty cents on the dollar for every record!

After fighting with a few Terminators outside the school, his mom made him move somewhere…can't remember, though.

Also, "demo's"? Demo's what?

More "Da'fuck??!!?", amirite?

Tree of Life didn't have any deleted scenes, or at least it felt that way.
Geez, what a chore that was.

No Ben Folds, no sale. :(


Ow, my balls!

Why don't you go on a nationwide theater tour of "The Interview" screenings?

To be fair, it is hard to pull up your pants and speak right after you've been drugged.


I couldn't even remember what that line was from, just the smirk that accompanied it.

I never realized how much Rex looked like Loaded Lux.

What, no Jonathan Frakes?\