Randy Miller III


It'll only cost you $14.12 after tax, though.


I've got a real soft spot for this movie. I was lucky enough to catch it in theaters during a late night showing with some friends and we were the only ones there, so it made the whole experience that much more awesome!

LOL, I'm totally against piracy but I love how you played the gender card.

Ow! My balls!

"Stanley Kubrick could've used orange, yellow, green, blue, black, white, or purple. You won't believe what happens next."

I played the SHIT out of the first Smash Bros. with my brother back in the day. One time we played a 60 minute time limit match and ended up going to sudden death, so we just shut it off and called it even.


You better not be posting this at work, or "Terrible" Terry Take, Office Linebacker is gonna blitz the SHIT outta you.


Sounds like a good deal, but I'd rather have a BK Dinner Basket with free popcorn while I wait.

He's obviously training to be the next Mick Foley.

Once, I attempted a Trust Fall into Laurel Canyon!

Oh great, more fuckin' ukelele, Intenet!

Hydrox or GTFO

Amazon Echo < Wikibear

I still have a sealed CD promoting AOL's "Black Focus", their aborted 2003 attempt to target specific African American tastes that they mailed to me even though I'm white.

f) Travel back to 1946 and bone Fry's grandmother before he gets to her.

Taylor Swift ft. Conch Shell and El Dan's Mom's Vagina