Randy Miller III

For practical purposes: The replacement rug from The Big Lebowski

Tiger Woods, ya'll
It's all good, y'all

Hosted by Magical Negro!

It was like being slowly brought back to life, but INRI verse.

I don't care what anyone says, "Oceania" was pretty damn awesome and I'm optimistic about future Pumpkins stuff at this point.

Yeah, some of the stuff Iha co-wrote with Billy was pretty great ("Soma" and "Mayonnaise" off Siamese Dream, for starters), but everything else? Not so much.

Looks like it's actually called "Being Beige", not "Beige Beige".


LOL, you probably have Smooth Motion turned on too.

Don't fuck Alzheimer's! That shit's contagious.

Orange you glad I didn't say bananas are proof of God's existence?


"“Butterfly in the sky! I can fly twice as high!” These words are indelibly etched in the memories of those who grew up watching PBS’ venerable children’s program Reading Rainbow."

It kind of sounds like old-school Weather Channel music, in the best possible way.


I was kind of hoping it was a "Reposted Comment" account.

"Take away the mandolin twang, kick up the beat, and switch up the references, and the song could have been a hit across the dial. "

Meanwhile, I can't believe I left off the cornfield beat-down in Casino.

Holy shit, some of these filmmakers aren't even trying. Titanic? The Dark Knight Rises? How about:

Incidentally, I just watched this last night with my four year-old daughter, who was watching the entire thing for the first time (last year, I stopped it before they reached the haunted house). It was a lot of fun for both of us…and she was a little scared, but isn't that kind of the point of Halloween?