Randy Miller III

FFS, what are you expecting out of an animated holiday special that aired on network TV? It's not horrifying or anything, but I'd imagine that most kids would be pretty scared of this still. And I may get shit for this, but it holds up better than "Great Pumpkin".

Yeah? Well, he's dead.

Your mom's kind of like a wife beater. A lot of fat, sweaty guys have worn her out over the years.

Damn, that Bob Barker story was harsh. I mean, First World Problems, but still…

I think he's just upset that his Transitions™ lenses didn't kick in yet.

Big deal. According to Wal-Mart, Halloween started months ago.

I have a couple odds and ends (signed stuff from Ben Folds, David Bazan, a few others), but my favorite was a signature and drawing I got for a friend more than 20 years ago.

How can this video have more than 88,000 views if there are only 50,000 people in the world????

I'm not your chum, pal.



My daughter is four this year. Last year, we showed her the first 20 minutes of Garfield's Halloween Adventure and stopped it before things got ALL KINDS of messed up. Should we let her watch the rest this year, or wait a little longer?

I blame Criterion for starting all this bullshit.

Co-writing "Party in the USA" makes you a credible songwriter? Shit, I'm in the wrong line of work.

Duuuude, this comment section totally synchs up with The Wizard of Oz. I'm serious!




I'm such a hipster I was jerkin' off to her TEN YEARS ag

So he got pissed that someone misinterpreted a cryptic Tweet?
Ugh, he's like a Facebook drama queen.