Randy Miller III

It was pot luck, wasn't it?

I started from the bottom, now I'm here. Unless, of course, you're sorting these comments by "Best", in which case I'm still at the bottom.

Great movie, and one of Walken's best performances. It gets a little too loopy near the end, but this is still a watchable slice of low-budget 1980s goodness.

Are those song titles real? They are the least Thom Yorke-y names ever.

Wuzzles or GTFO.

*confused boner*

Get Rid Of Slimy girlS. Amirite, fellas?

On a scale a scale of 0 to Dawes, this gets 2-1/2 Fleet Foxes.

Technically, there's the same amount of TV on tonight as there is every night.
Good TV…? That's another story.

"Shit, I'm already doin' 55 in a 54!"

So he just re-told one of her jokes? Seems like he's got this whole social media thing figured out!

I left that over at my friend's house.

Guns N Rosys.

B…but…he got more upvotes than you! I'm so confused!

Audio: Yep, it's pretty much 8-bit.
Video: Not a chance.

No Bentley from Rushmore?

Best Coast is a good call. I dig the fuzzy surf-pop vibe, but too much "crazy" and "lazy" for my blood. I'll also nominate that Neutral Milk Hotel song where he's all like JEEEEZUS KU-RIIIIIIIIIIIIIST

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzy
-Michael Scott
-Shia LeBeouf

Your mom does too!