who roots for max and katie?!?!?! lol
who roots for max and katie?!?!?! lol
@dcp not quite the same, but I'll grant it :P
Yeah so much worse than what time does to a man-of-that-age's balls. (was tempted to end with "Fuck off" but I don't actually care THAT much)
Me three, but I think I actually really only care about Jon Snow tangentially because I love Ygritte so much.
As much as I LOVE Amy Poehler, I would be shocked and appalled if JLD didn't take home another Emmy for this show in September.
By the way, thanks SVD and AVClub for reviewing the finale even if you don't do the whole show. I don't like any of the other places you can talk about TAR, so it's fun to be able to come back here once a season and dish on the results.
I had totally forgotten about the head in the ass. That part was so funny — unfortunately overshadowed by how miserable that couple was in general.
You know, it was stupid shit like him giving the finger to the people who missed the train an episode or two ago and the fact that she completely insults her new husband every chance she gets. Blech.
When the country singers started following the roller moms in the car I was screaming at my TV because they were following the two most directionless people I have ever seen on the race. I liked them (especially Beth), but they couldn't find their way out of a paper bag.
I would have been furious at myself for watching the entire season if those two asshats had won. Apart from the fact that they were terribly unsportsmanlike all season, watching the confessionals with her bland, expressionless face made me sure she wasn't human at all and, therefore, probably ineligible to be on the…
I'm a girl who is totally not into guys with long hair, but when I saw those lustrous, thick beautilicious locks, I almost cried. I want that hair for myself!
Erik? You'll never get him off the island.
lol I totally get that and would probably agree if we were in the car more often than we are these days. And because I know the story, I find myself wanting to move forward a little quicker than I normally would, I suspect.
I particularly liked teenage Nick for some reason… way more than I like college Nick.
Fucking Logan Echolls… I've never had any other show turn me around so much on a character the way they did with LE. Just thinking about it…
It's pretty long, but still a relatively quick read for me. I became
so immersed in it, that I really enjoyed reading and spent a lot of time
doing so lol. That being said, do NOT get this as an audio book. It's
painfully long that way. I got it on Audible so that I could get my
husband to listen to the story on…
I also think the format of the comments on AVClub is vastly superior to TLo… makes it easier to engage and have conversations. Funnily enough, the PR reviews and comments section here have made this my favorite show to talk about, even if it's not my favorite show.
I totally agree about Zac Posen, but I thought Rachel Roy (who I normally like) was sort of awful on her episodes this season.
I'm surprised how many people think Patricia actually even had a fighting chance here. I, too, love her story and love the fact that she gave a very public voice to a group of people that doesn't often get one, in fashion or otherwise. But there was SO MUCH TRAINWRECK there. The first dress - the pink satiny thing…
For the out-of-the-jar eaters, take a spoonful and dip it in a bowl of granulated sugar and then eat it - even better. /shamefulconfession