AVClub is in my brain because I actually thought of your avatar the moment he got voted off lol
AVClub is in my brain because I actually thought of your avatar the moment he got voted off lol
I think you're spot on about the horse hair. I think it all goes back to Patricia's strength as a fabric designer but probably not a fashion designer. As soon as Nina made that hair swatch comment, I couldn't un-see it.
Apparently horse hair good / human hair bad lol
I've seen a lot of people refer to it as sort of Serenity/Firefly style… futuristic western. I think that's sort of an appropriate characterization.
The other interesting thing about Patricia's collection is what's going on the world concerning a backlash against cultural appropriation. It's one thing when a non-native designer creates a collection with native elements that a bunch of non-native women wear, but is it any better if a native designer creates…
And they were all shit-talking each others' stuff in confessionals this episode. Stones and sin and stuff…
I don't think Patricia can win for two reasons and both are related to the prizes. 1) For better or worse, her clothes really aren't suitable for a spread in Marie Clair. 2) Part of the prize is also the 'opportunity' to design and sell a line at Lord & Taylor. Very little of what Patricia does can be easily…
A couple of random thoughts…
You aren't alone :)
If there are any two shows I wish for on Netflix or Amazon Prime, it's Survivor and Amazing Race. There are so many early seasons that I missed (back when I had a life outside of TV lol) that I would love to see. Netflix only even has a few seasons on DVD.
Is she incapable of swimming or something? I couldn't figure out why she couldn't go after her own damn teeth!
Yeah, I didn't believe that traumatic water story for a second. I think he just felt confident that he didn't need immunity and didn't want to look like an ass on a challenge he knew he'd fail at.
I'm figuring that's how everybody finds out that Erik voted for fillup because he spent so damn long on the lettering.
For me it was almost too reminiscent of the SOTL scene where he has the nightvision goggles on, but a decent homage nonetheless.
This was my take too, particularly as it relates to Tui's baby's father. It was way too convenient that it was Matt and I got the feeling that she didn't know who the father was because she didn't even know she had sex. The Johnno one is more confusing.
I'm an idiot and clearly watch too much TV because I'm getting my titles mixed up lol. It was neither :) I meant House of Lies, not Cards. *doh!*
See, to me, he was the new Pete. I just remember how ingratiating and obsequious he was in season one and from this episode, I suspect he's going to pull the same behavior on Pete that Pete pulled on Don early on.
You know, I never thought about it that way either, until I read that and now I'm not so sure. Unlike House of Lies, which is made up of such unlikeable asshats that I can't even bear to watch it.
I'm glad they picked Patricia over Layana just for the simple fact that I want to see what kind of crazy she sends down the runway. The other three designers will likely send down competitive, well-made, fashionable collections, so it will be nice to have an injection of bonkers for the finale, without worrying that…