
To me, the nudity is a purposeful creative choice - an extension of Hannah's lack of self-awareness. She doesn't see how other people see her personality, her clothes, her body.  She is blissfully un-self-conscious of the things about her that make other people uncomfortable.  I think it's actually sort of important

Ryan really hit it on the head in that second to last paragraph.  Gannicus is easily my favorite character this season.  He is WAY more interesting and multi-layered than Spartacus and I appreciate that he has a sense of humor and there is some moral ambiguity in his evolution.  Not to mention SO HOT.

for creative people, they sure have trouble coming up with some decent team names. ugh.

Oh god - I totally forgot how much i hated Patricia's dress until i read this.  The top of it was… fine.  A cool effect slightly undone by the raggedy horrible mesh underneath, but the worst was that half assed skirt.  It looked like it had kids christmas cutouts hanging off of it.  I was so relieved that they picked

This episode was pretty good for me simply for the fact that Zac Posen used the phrase "ruffle fart."  I have faith in this season.

Best part of the episode.  I generally don't think Dwight is a very funny character, but Rainn Wilson was cracking me up the whole time. 

Best part of the episode.  I generally don't think Dwight is a very funny character, but Rainn Wilson was cracking me up the whole time. 

It was awesome last night when, during the quickfire, they show Josh talking about how he really nailed that succotash and then they cut to the judge putting him in the bottom two.

That line about the outline of his penis was the funniest thing in the episode for me.  I still like this show, naysayers be damned.

My British husband gawped at me when I made some reference to Chris O'Dowd's shitty American accent, refusing to believe he was supposed to be American in this.  I had to remind him that both of Thomas John's parents were American for him to even start to believe me.

I'm sort of surprised how many people think Brian is creepy.  I don't like the storyline, but he hasn't really done anything other than be a friend, step in front of a raging bull-man, and tell her she can call if she needs to talk.  What a dick! 

I'm sort of surprised how many people think Brian is creepy.  I don't like the storyline, but he hasn't really done anything other than be a friend, step in front of a raging bull-man, and tell her she can call if she needs to talk.  What a dick! 

I can't believe I'm admitting this publicly, but I thought "Roseanne's Nuts" was totally watchable.  Her whole family is a bit cuckoo, so I found it entertaining.

"Susan wants functionality, and Tim wants out-of-the-box, and Zac wants
ready-to-wear, and Heidi wants classy, and Nina wants—well, who knows
what Nina wants."

I always was way hotter for him than I could ever be for Eric Stoltz

I love the whole dynamic of that little subgroup.  Daisy likes Alfred.  Alfred likes whatshername.  Whatshername likes new footman.  Thomas likes new footman.  New footman skeeved out by Thomas.  I love it when nobody gets what they want.

maybe it's been long enough that it's retro chic now

He may have never cooked it, but when they got back to the stew room, he did say he eats it.

I would say yes and no… You only have a 50/50 chance against really good competitors.  I'd rather have a 1 in 5 chance of losing than a 1 in 2 chance of losing.  In regular competition, you dont have to win in order to advance.  In LCK it's winner takes all.

They were SO hammered.  That was the best part of the episode for me.  Wolfgang was dropping F-bombs left and right and they were all slumped in their seats.  So hilarious.  I wish they were like that in every episode.