I'm so glad I wasn't the only one.
I'm so glad I wasn't the only one.
Edith has rapidly turned into one of my favorite characters from one of my least favorite. And the phrase "That's SO Edith" is now a regular part of the dialogue in my house lol
Branson is the WORST. A characterization like "worthless dickbag" is precisely why I logged on tonight lol. Thank you.
"He's got cat turd collector written all over him." I plan on using this whenever possible.
I was certain that letter was going to have a postscript at the very end chiding people for reading his letter and falling for the joke because the contents of that letter were entirely, embarassingly over the top.
I was really bummed that Lizzie and Brooke didn't speak up. They were safe, couldn't be accused of throwing somebody under the bus to save their own skins, and saw exactly what had been going on in the kitchen. They suck.
I'm waiting for Max to realize that the vending machine only has fruits and vegetables in it - not his beloved Skittles - and through an absolute hissyfit that sends all those cheering schoolmates running back to their classrooms.
"Where is the Mr. Pibb? I told your secretary to pack Mr. Pibb. It's
the only Coke I like. Goddamn Brenda exploding like a water balloon,
worms driving my friends around like they're goddamn skin-cars, people
are spitting acid at me, turning you into cottage cheese, and now
there's no fucking goddamn Mr. Pibb"
@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus You hit the nail on the head: "Drew said he could go to college and get a job to support her—that's
nice, what a huge concession on his part; was he not already planning to
go to college and get a job?"
Tom's face as Micah was describing his concept was priceless - it was the visual definition of scoffing.
I liked Mark more this week than I have in a loooooong time, but I think Hank and Sarah are still a better couple. She needs somebody to keep her on her toes a bit and I think Hank's natural inclination towards aloofness plays well against her own openness.
After she shaved her head, I found myself looking at the hair of the extras in all her scenes and thinking how different/separate/other her character would probably feel in that situation… so even though the bald cap was weird, I think they pulled it off and had me thinking about what a woman's hair means to her…
I always think I enjoy an episode and then come here to read the review and start thinking maybe I didn't like it when I see all the things that are wrong with it pointed out lol.
This is the part of the season (as with all competition reality shows) where I get bored and annoyed waiting for all the clearly-not-gonna-win contestants to get booted. It's that sort of middle stretch where you know who doesn't really deserve to be there anymore but you have to wait for them to get booted one at a…
This is the part of the season (as with all competition reality shows) where I get bored and annoyed waiting for all the clearly-not-gonna-win contestants to get booted. It's that sort of middle stretch where you know who doesn't really deserve to be there anymore but you have to wait for them to get booted one at a…
I think this show is way better than Vegas, which we tolerate past 3 episodes. While Elementary doesn't even come close to being one of my favorites, we do find ourselves watching it On Demand each week at some point. We love the BBC version of Sherlock, but I think this one is different enough in structure and tone…
I think this show is way better than Vegas, which we tolerate past 3 episodes. While Elementary doesn't even come close to being one of my favorites, we do find ourselves watching it On Demand each week at some point. We love the BBC version of Sherlock, but I think this one is different enough in structure and tone…
If by "tall glass of water" you mean "very average height glass of water that looks even shorter than he actually is" :) I do love him in this role, though lol
If by "tall glass of water" you mean "very average height glass of water that looks even shorter than he actually is" :) I do love him in this role, though lol
I can't help but comment on how bad that credits sequence and song is it EVERY time we watch the show, even though I fast forward through it.