
It's quite difficult to comment here and jerk-off at the same time. I never was a multi-tasker.

"It’s still not clear which roles any of the actors will take…"

That's a good way to kill a boner.

Not everyone finds global warming to be as sexy as he does.

Penis rings?

That math is off cuz I've got like…7 pages open right now.

She is from Middle Earth.

Thanks, O'Neal!

What about "Clown Baby"?

Thanks, O'Neal!

I read this article and will concede that things were said, but hell if I understood any of it.

Nah, more likely that Billy Madison had a bigger influence on them.

*Plays Piano Man in memorium.*

Some times, I'll just sit and watch any random film on TCM just because I like the aesthetic of black and white films. I grew up without cable, so syndication was my exposure to old shows and films from before the era of color TV.

Or buy pre-made things, rip the label off and claim you're a cooking genius and all that time spent watching Food Network has finally paid off.

Do what I'm doing and making people stuff. Less-expensive plus you don't have to put as much thought into it. Everyone gets the same thing, so no complaints about someone getting something better than another.

Sorry to hear you bombed, but glad to hear you remain undeterred. Another consolation: I finished watching OitNB this weekend and would have no problem discussing how awesome this show is with you. I definitely agree with your (brief) assessment of it and can say you won't be disappointed with where the show goes for

Nothing huge this weekend for me. I finished Orange is the New Black Friday night. I am so fucking excited for the next season of this show! Even though I can watch all the episodes in one sitting, once one ended, there was plenty of suspense and wonder for what would happen next. Every character grew on me, except

Hell's bells! A gun!

That sounds messy.