
I don't recall seeing him in any episodes. They may have cut his scenes out.

That made me think of a scene from The Mighty Boosh.

Is this band (All American Rejects) still a band?

The female anus is vestigial, like the appendix, and merely another hole that intrigues most but is never fully realized for sexual pleasure.

It's a mysterious second entrance that allows none to pass into.

Don't. Praise. The machine.

Alex: Inventory management.

He's a smug opportunist using his fiance's plight as a means for career advancement.

Backstory: I used to work in mental health. My first job out of college was working in behavioral health residential facility for youth in my hometown. The campus had three main buildings: the psych hospital (short-term and temp stays until placement elsewhere); the residential facility (long-term dorm placement until

Piper was not my least-favorite character (that would be Larry). In terms of development, she was the least-developed at the beginning, to me, but became more complex as the series went on. I didn't care for Alex at first, but, she grew on me. Piper tries to be the person she assumes others want her to be, not who she

I plan on purchasing the book after Christmas. After having heavily consumed the first season, I want to get the full experience of this story before the second season premieres.

I used to consider myself a progressive humanist agnostic, but, by god, when Chapman gives that whole little speech about her non-religious beliefs and uses all those different qualifiers and adjectives, it was a moment of clarity. "Do I really come off that way?" So, I've decided to just identify as kosher.

Up until the last scene of the last episode, she was a mutable essence, trying to float through the life of prison. What we knew of her life post-Alex and pre-Alex, she was two different individuals inhabiting the same body. Once in prison, she attempted to play with that duality wherever one personality would best

Larry knew what he was going to say and do on NPR at first: just tell a straight-forward story about his fiance adjusting to prison life and the interesting characters with whom she interacts. He original intention was pure fluff. But when the question was posed about intimate relations in prison, you could see the

My bi-friend crushes hard on Cecil and is obsessed with the various tumblr sites dedicated to Night Vale. So…yes, I'm inclined to agree with you.

My friends and I had a discussion about Night Vale in other media. I say an anthology television show would actually work, focusing on the lives of the townsfolk. Sort of a Mayberry RFD meets Twin Peaks meets Tales From the Darkside kind of thing.

But when will it be available in pog form?

Sam Rockwell.

I believe you were looking for the Lars von Trier/porn article.

All this porn would be from Lars' private stash?