
Chevy Chase. No one ever laughed at him (for the reasons they were supposed to).

"The pig was slaughtered in the abattoir. "

We can solve this problem: At the end of them film, it's revealed Det. Frank Drebin was in fact Los Angeles Times reporter Irwin Fletch.

Went on a school trip to Germany in 2005. We visited Dachau. I fucking broke down from viewing a newsreel of footage from Nazi invasions and occupations. A majority of the prisoners there were Polish, and that hits close to home as my dad's family survived German occupation. So, I agree with you.

Believe it or not, I'm not doing any work
Just sitting at my desk, on AVC
I'm getting paid while I sit on my ass
And kick up my feet…

With Mathew Perry no longer in the way, she will be mine!

That's the first episode.

But you slur your words when you're drunk. We thought you were saying "Borscht Belt."

They could just re-dub PBS' Arthur and call it a day.

Obviously, because it's animated, he can record his lines between farts.

Your fist to the monitor is "potentially damaging content."

Home Alone was on AMC last night. Today, we get a meme-maker dedicated to a quick sight-gag in that same film. I understand now, how those mythmakers work.

Well, he is always Buzzed. Ha, I make myself laugh its so sad.

Go for broke, go for crack!

You win, sir!


Kojak, Mr. Clean, Dwight Eisenhauer, Gandhi, Danny DeVito… I could go on, but I'll leave that to the rest of the AVC.

Thank you for the clarification. Still begs the question of why they don't present each season with new "characters" to follow, like an anthology series. I doubt any of these people on the show are real. Please tell me it's all make believe.

Me too. It's like giving a new sequel to the first sequel, but it's not a continuation from where the second sequel left off.