
I'll wander the streets till I find a bottle big enough, then I'll be king of the winos!

Are those, safe to say, hired goons?

Agree to disagree, but not to agree.

I am terribly confused. There were 3 series, each necessitating their own seasons and such…and…what? Why? I'm gonna go find a bottle of whiskey to crawl into.

She also suggested that Billy Corgan is "larger-than-life" but was clearly referring to his head.

You must not be from around here.

Criteria to be a Pixies bassist.

Killer Croc's origin as a pet that was flushed down the toilet.

Is there another garden tool you'd prefer to be beaten to death with?

Way to ice my weekend, old man.

On the AV Club, no doubt.

It was all set to happen, but then it didn't due to a change in events a day prior.

I enjoyed Malcolm in the Middle when it aired, and I had always known Cranston as a comedic actor (Dr. Tim Whatley, remember?). I agree with you on it's cartoon-like quirkiness. That's what made it such a fun show to watch. I will have to revisit it.

It took me an hour to write it, so I thought it would take an hour to film it.

Tom Cruise is always wearing a mask of himself from thirty years ago. He's really vain in that way. M:I 2 is bad. I remember watching it, but don't remember a damn thing in it. Except for the motorbike stand-off and pigeons. And a beach. But I could just be thinking of Point Break. Now, that's the money ticket.

Not much on the pop-culture front this weekend. Saturday, I helped a friend move from Joliet to Hinsdale. While that took up less time than planned, hanging around his new place took up a good portion of the day. When I got home, I decided to relax with Netflix and started watching Orange Is the New Black for the

I was hoping there'd be a flying nun, just for cross-over appeal.

Down votes for some, miniature American flags for everyone!

Andrew McCarthy?

What about Ponce de Leon?