
It'll be cheaper to keep it an extra day and return it tomorrow. Don't give him the satisfaction.

Kevin Bacon. Susan Surandon.

Hey, did you see who got the final death blow? 'Cause I feel that Hawaiian guy had it coming.

Only two times? Somebody must've forgotten to hit the replay button.

I've said it before, and I'll continue to say it until it's lost all meaning, but I could watch Paul Rudd eat a PB&J sandwich all day long and find it enjoyable.

So we should refer to him as Joe from now on?

Or at least, not this year.

Tom! Tom Bosley!

How has he not had a second career as the lead vocalist for a doo-wop group, Joey and The Fat Ones?

I listened to the whole album last week at work (while doing work no less) and was not at all surprised how well they played each song. Sure, the novelty of the irony of Bad Religion playing Christmas song kinda wears off, but, the craftsmanship shows well. Would you expect any less from a punk band that excels in

Not as passe as a (Har)Monica Lewinsky reference. Something tells me those guys are Jay Leno fans.

It's such a fine line between clever and stupid.

I love the Dutch. I'm gonna start working that into everyday conversation around the office.

I quite enjoy Nimrod because its varied. I wish they could revert to that sound and not do what it is they're doing now.

My senior class song was "time of your life". Pissed me off to no end.

That's just masturbation.

This downvoting has gotten out of hand lately. I hereby issue an open challenge to said downvoter (I think they're working alone) to downvote every post I make!

The restaurant that I and my ex would dine at when I'd visit her at college?

I worked at Jimmy John's in high school. I can safely endorse Jimmy John's. I will continue to eat Jimmy John's. Jimmy John's.

Or it could be you don't wear regular shoooo-oooo-oooes…….