
Played The Brews for a Jewish friend of mine. He fucking loved it.

Heller: Okay, I'm writing about Green Day and the Offspring….who's gonna hate on that? Better disable Disqus to be safe.

Good god, the roller rink. The one in my town went from safe family fun to place to buy drugs and grind in the bathrooms pretty quick in my youth.

Don't be a cheap dime-store hood.

I kept refreshing every now and then because I had something heartfelt to say. You're lucky I have a pretty good…um…what's that thing called when the brain keeps things? Information garage?

It was "New Age Girl" with the refrain of "Marryyyyy Moooooe!"

Smash was the first album I owned that contained any litany of cursing. Bad Habit was blasted ad nausea.

That's a pretty logical path to follow, and a good one at that.

I'd sit and try to play along to songs on the radio. Problem was, when I got my first guitar, my folks didn't bother buying me an amp. A year later when I finally did get an amp, I bet they regretted that decision.

1994 was a good year for young kids with no sense of musical direction to turn on the radio and get exposed to new sounds that hopefully paved the way to dig deeper into other genres.

My sister stole that album from her college boyfriend and gave it to me. It was played only once.

It split the diff between psychological horror/suspense and full-on creature feature pretty well, IMO. Not to say doing it completely as one or the other would've been bad, but both elements were well-portrayed.

Can't speak for how it comes in the novel, but in the film, a huge storm (a nor'easter, I think) blows through. The mist comes in after the storm, as it coincided with a government experiment opening portals to other dimensions.

I think Darabont changed it because not even King was willing to be that bleak, but he was impressed by Darabont's change and applauded him for it.

The grocery store is the ideal bottle-setting for a mini-series. And they could further explore the dynamics between the sane survivors and the group led by the religious nut-bar.

Wouldn't it be funny if they tried to connect his character at the end of the film to the character he played in those homeless dad films in Arrested Development?

If The Mist series goes to development, Darabont should focus the action on other characters that weren't in the grocery store. It could still be in the same time-frame as those events, just another perspective that doesn't end with a hysterical Thomas Jane. Or maybe, that's what Darabont wants.

I'm glad you apologized. I'm still waiting on the AVC's formal apology.

You watch it and get floored by how awesome everyone is; they all nail their parts.

Tommy could not connect with the eyeline for filming; he kept forgetting his (very simple and easy to remember) lines; his delivery was always off; he kept bumping his head into the door jamb of the rooftop entrance…BTW, the entire rooftop is fake: it was constructed on ground level outside the studio. Despite having