riddle of steel

Max Zorin is probably my favourite villain along with Pleasance-Blofeld

wow, your friend is a legend. you're missing out big time. i lost the thread somewhere during series 4 for various reasons but it was still going strong.

I hear you're a racist now, Father!

he just got out of the can, Miller, he's just busting your balls.

agreed. someone help us out here.

can't you do both?

Centipederast: Children of the Centipede

it's true, we all look like that over here

Shadow defined a whole era with Endtroducing. you're not gonna capture that magic twice.

i came here to kick ass and hand out Bibles… and i'm all outta Bibles

is there a bit when he hilariously chops off the hands of ex-girlfriend Jennifer Aniston as punishment for her godlessness?

looks like Bono had a kid with the girl from Run Lola Run 

but he's naked below the waist

'bout time. Lungs was an instant classic. best thing to come out of UK in a while.

there were enough moments true to the book to make Snyder Watchmen worthwhile. sure, some of it was fucking stupid, but Rorschach was fun and the Dr Manhattan origin story pretty great.

anyone else curious to see her in the gold bikini as she is now?


you should probably check lower down the comments

i convinced my grandma to buy me The Terminator on VHS by telling her an 18 rating (here in the UK) meant it was 18 out of 20, so must be really good.

i cannot adequately express my love for this movie. if Spaced wasn't great enough, this took all the promise of that series (the Resident Evil episode is amazing) and turned it into something epic and perfect. Hot Fuzz is awesome too, but this… oh man.