Ack Ack

Is it possible that Trump was incorrect in his assessment of O'Reilly?

??? So are you saying that a Disney approved Beauty and the Beast T shirt isn't punk?

I would like to purchase a Giles to provide wisdom and comfort in times of need. And a crazy, out of control Faith for other times.

I'd like to forgo the church, and instead head to his Investigation Room, where he can show me all of the evidence he's compiled proving that Obama was born in Kenya. Or maybe we can have a shirtless powwow with Alex Jones.

Due to my use of a fan growing up, I'm unable to sleep without some kind of white noise drowning out the sounds of the city - these look like they would be a treat, but I'm getting used to sleeping to the sound of the Tardis.

I think that you just said it.

I contend that Vince McMahon is hero to no one, let alone a surfing penguin. I know that he plays a heel in his own production, but beyond that, he gives off vibes of someone who, in real life, is probably a horrid fucking prick.

I would presume that they fell prey to that which fells all bassalopes - clogged arteries (unless Hodge-Podge's rabbit DNA fixed that unfortunate genetic trait).

Who has pie after going for a run? Disgusting.

I saw Strange Days opening weekend at a theatre all by myself in an empty theatre in the strange city of Syracuse. Movie theatres and restaurants were the only things open on a Sunday, and due to a misunderstanding with my Mom, I was 12 hours early picking her up from the airport.

Opus got married to Lola Granola. Rosebud was a woman, and got pregnant from having sex with Hodge-Podge.

That's normal.

I think that Jim Davis should start marketing Garfield as the first comic strip to star a genderqueer character. That'll move some lunchboxes.

These are two of my favourite comedic actors, so this'll be a must watch for me. I wonder what the odds are of NBC letting this one go to Netflix, a la Kimmy Schmidt, which I'd prefer over watching NBC fuck it all up.

I spent $80 on tickets to see Amy Schumer last week, and I've seen every joke in this special, except for the leather outfit 'joke'. Those tickets would have paid for 8 months of Netflix…

A properly cooked steak (medium rare) retains the flavour and tenderness of the meat - a well done steak is basically shoe leather, which is probably why Trump slathers it in ketchup - to add some of the moisture that was cooked out. Also, well done steaks have more heterocyclic amines, which are a carcinogen.

I suppose, if there was a psychological reason behind it, and it was supported by doctors, it would be.

I've been single for almost two years now, and dated sporadically before that. I was pretty down and out about being single for a long time. However, I've really learned to enjoy my own company, and I'm happier than I've ever been. I guess the fact that most of my relationships have been kind of shitty (getting

Jordan Peele would certainly be a lot better off!

It's been quite a rollercoaster for you this morning.