Ack Ack

I honestly think it's a weight thing. People think that because he's chubby, his humour is likewise broad. Nope. Gad is actually a pretty good actor.

I was at a Black Joe Lewis and the Honeybears concert. I believe that it was a more valuable use of my time.

Well that headline made it seem that Melissa McCarthy was going to be on a new Fox show written by the writer of Bridesmaids. Instead, the actor is the creator and the creator is the actor, and this seems a lot less like something I'd be interested in.

I just saw him open for The Japandroids - he was a lot of fun.

I used to rely on The Wedge for finding new music. Now, I pretty much rely on The AV Club to point me towards things I might like - there hasn't been much success there recently. Although I did see Black Joe Lewis and the Honeybears last night, and I was turned on to them from an 8-year old SXSW review.

He very Presidentially did not smear shit all over his face. Can't you give him credit for not doing things that a President shouldn't do?

Every day, Netflix announces something new that I'm interested in, and it's starting to get worrying. What are their motives for providing us with so much entertainment? They can't be doing it for any altruistic reasons - no one does that. So what is their game? Why are they trying so hard to be a company that I

Weak writs - something you and King Henry III have in common!!

I've had plastic surgery twice, but nothing major. One was reconstructing my finger, which doesn't really count, but the other was purely cosmetic - ears. I grew up with giant ears and was often called Spock, Dumbo, Dopey or Big Ears the Pirate. Since I'm Canadian, and my doctor said that my big ears were causing

Person: I'd like you to pee on me for money.

I've been sitting here for a couple of minutes trying to think of what is pee adjacent…

I have the odd problem of women finding me attractive in real life, but
not online. Last night, I was at an event with my ex-girlfriend, and
even though I was with another woman, I had a woman half my age give me a
pretty bold kiss out of nowhere, another girl got had a friend take a
picture while bent over in front

Sometimes women don't orgasm? That has not been my experience.

I appreciate your eventual use of proper spelling.

Yeah, but the old folks home has a $100 entry fee, so it's a bit of a wash.

We're finally waking up to the fact that we'd like him just fine, if only Obama would stop coordinating these protests, his Generals stopped getting people killed, and if these goofy Jews would just stop calling in bomb threats on their community centres.

Obama To Blame For Everything, Reports Paranoid Idiot really clogged things up for a while.

Who gave you editorial control, Excitable Misunderstood Genius?

I once paid $250 to have a woman give me a backend fetch.

Who wins in a nuclear battle between U.S./Russian v. China? Cuz that's where we're headed.