Ack Ack

Yes, that poor Pennsylvanian town that thought that Trump was only going to deport the BAD immigrants. Fuck these people who can sit on the sidelines cheering until something adversely effects them.

They're all just trying to recapture the magic of Steven Greer's classic Starman, which was about fucking his dog in the ass.

Hey, I like dogs! I wonder what this article is ab… oh.

They're still giving him the benefit of the doubt, which is something Obama didn't get from either Fox or the Republican party. Note the difference between "One term president" and "willing to work with President Trump". Or the difference between Fox attacking Obama for "apology tour" "mustardgate", sitting in a

The problem is that the media keeps pointing out that huge swaths of the American public disagree with these A+ policies, a problem which could be avoided if the media simply did their jobs and repeated word for word what the administration wants them to say.

As a fully grown man with no children, I'm fully on board with having movies for kids and movies for adults - not everything has to be made for everyone to enjoy.

Netflix is seriously out of control - I'm looking forward to more things on Netflix this year than I am in movies and other TV combined. This looks fantastic.

This month, Xbox gets Borderlands 2, Layers of Fear, Evolve (Ultimate Edition) and Heavy Weapon.

You only pay $10 a month - there is no additional rental fee on top of it. Basically, it's like Netflix, but for your Xbox.

It's a library of games that you can download and play. I'm not sure where the complications are. If it's anything like EA Access, it should be a pretty good value - it's basically the cost of two games a year for the opportunity to play hundreds…

Counterpoint - Trump's inexperience has turned the United States into an international joke, and this picture reinforces the image of a bunch of fucking children playing while the adults are away.

I have my own private office with a door and a couch. I have never sat like that on my own couch in my not quite as nice as the oval office, and would definitely never sit like that on my couch, even with colleagues I'm friendly with. It's just unprofessional.

I have a near limitless capacity for rage, but for fuck sake, this administration is really testing the upper limits.

I also remember his extremely unpresidential compassion and sense of decency.

"You know, Anderson? This is just typical of the left who have no ideas, and who still defend the actions of Hillary Clinton's husband, who, as we all remember…"

Everyone is jumping all over Kellyanne Conway, while seemingly forgetting that, at the same point in his Presidency, Barrack Obama was eating hotdogs with DIJON MUSTARD. If you want to point to the time when the office lost all credibility, that was it, folks.

The gaslighting of Johnny Paycheck continues…

It looked like the media was starting to toughen up, but lately, they've seemed to have lost some of their heat. The White House has declared the press to be craven liars out to destroy America and the press are all "Hmm, what is he up to?"

PICTURED: James Woods with a serious case of Coke Hand.

If wearing suspenders, yes. Or replace the beanie with a fez.