Ack Ack

Is it just me, or is he still giving himself some wiggle room here? He's not just blasting the KKK and White Supremicists - he's including them in the classification of groups that are reprehensible. This could, as he has previously implied, include people protesting against Nazis.

One of the chairs of ACLU VA resigned yesterday - said that what happened in Charlottesville was too much for her. So even some in the ACLU think that they shouldn't support Nazis.

I find sobbing while curled in a ball to be the most judicious use of my time these days.

Yeah, I didn't think for a second that Littlefinger pulled one over on Arya. She clearly wanted him to see her watching him so she could find out what kind of play he was making. That we didn't see her reaction to the note was telling. She probably rolled her eyes.

Thank you for this valuable information, which I will use to further perfect my apples Sex Simulator 3000 and add more licking to the base program.

I've got a few pictures with female celebrities, and I'm pretty sure that my arm is around their shoulders for all of them. I'm also reasonably sure that the only reason I did so is because they initiated contact. Thanks, Zia and Emma Richardson!

I hope it's at least a tattoo of an ice cream cone.

I had a friend who managed to get a seat to yesterday's testimony. He was pretty disappointed as Swift didn't play any of her hits.

The only way that Russian collusion can be proven is if someone is dumb enough to confirm a meeting with them, and at the same time, confirm that the intent of the meeting was to have the campaign 'collude' with the Russian government on slandering Clinton.

CNN is a limp-wristed leftist who has become an internet tough guy? I'm not entirely sure that you understand what a 'thought' is, nor how to present such a thing logically.

It's amusing to see the brain-dead alt-right suddenly abandon their distrust of Russia just because President Urine is being blackmailed by them. Nothing like ideological consistency!

It's his supporters who are pathetic. They mistake his belligerence for being tough. His shitbrained supporters are naïve, stupid and lack critical thinking skills. Because they're fucking dumb.

I tweeted him a couple of months ago, saying that I was looking forward to seeing him try to defend actual treason on CNN, and he actually liked and retweeted me. I thought that was an odd reaction and made me wonder how self-aware he actually is.

I bought Kiwi from eBay - those were some great albums.

They started the show wearing boxing robes, making their way through the crowd like they were prizefighters, house lights up. Pop Muzik playing in the background.

And the Sunday Bloody Sunday drum fill in the middle.

It's guys watching guys watch porn all the way down.

Imagine what he was doing once you were actually asleep…

I wonder if they'll do an article about me and how I watched the above video while I was at work. Hey, look: A guy watching a guy watching porn at work .

I guess I have a different definition of porn than the prudes at the AV Club, who cluck their tongues and ask "What do we do about Ack Ack?" (who has revived his legacy account for The Last Days).