
Lucas becoming an award winning insurance salesman is also a call out to 'American Graffiti.' In that franchise, the Ron Howard character, Steve Bolander, was fated to become an insurance salesman in Modesto, instead of going away to college as he had planned with his friend, Curt, the Richard Dreyfuss character, and

True, Barry and Iris are related by neither blood nor adoption. But they were brought up together as brother and sister since they were children; Joe even calls Barry his son. Is this incest? No, not in the literal sense. But they are family.

Well, to be fair, the show is all about the supernatural and the fix also reminds us that Diana is formidable. I hope the show uses that power well in upcoming episodes.

I have enjoyed this season far more than the past two, but I do have some reservations. Although I like the new Team Ichabod, I am puzzled about some of the departures because the show makes it appears as if Ichabod is now without allies.

I am more enthusiastic about this episode. I enjoyed and was charmed by the Houdini characterization and I thought Houdini added a lot to the story. I was all smiles when by guile and athleticism he solved the problem of the secure door for Garcia. And his thoughts on the nature of fear were engaging as well as

Although by inference, we had 'American Horror Story: Hotel' delve into the 'serial killer and his killer hotel' theme a couple of years back.

I was captivated by the end credits music: a version of 'Tomorrow Belongs to Me' from the musical Cabaret. There is the obvious irony with the plight and apparent end of Thomas Smith. It also caused me to think Nina and her fellow associates in the German lebensborn counterculture. Now those guys frighten me:

Or the show has set the stage for Frank's doppelgänger arrival on scene next season. One of the advantages of this is that Frank will probably get a personality transplant. Whether that works or not remains to be seen.

One can be a moral monster yet not also be insane about being so. That Smith and Kido are thoughtful and deliberative about what the evil they do does not make them nuanced. We, the audience, know they are bad men. We also understand that they are not insanely evil. So I do not believe there is any whitewashing of

Heussman assassinated Hitler; however, the latter was old in physical decline. I suppose Heussman decided to accelerate Hitler's inevitable demise in order to activate his plans for Nazi world domination. What is not clear is whether Heussman had seen the alternative history films.

Those ancestors being a part of Ohio regiments who fought in the the Battle of Chikamauga, the Battle of Stones River, the Battle of Chattanooga, & the Battle of Atlanta, to name just a few, are turning over in their graves.

Childan is a self-serving jerk. His selling America memorabilia to the Japanese is a perfect metaphor for the sell-out that he is.

The Reich has embraced the SST, so, yes, John Smith can move incredibly fast around the world.

I enjoyed the 3D presentation. That said, was 3D added on to it or was it 3D by design?

Canon even.

Although that point is moot given the conclusion of Rogue One.

I was glad they did not kiss. What Jyn & Cassian shared reminded me of the relationship between Dana & Marly shared at the end of Cabin in the Woods. The Rogue One gang became a band of brothers and sisters. I found Cassian's & Jyn's embrace at the end both appropriate moving.

Yes, I have. I found it worth my time and l hope there is a season three.

If memory serves, when the bomb was discovered I thought I saw a clock. But no matter, it is still a plot hole whether or not there was a timer. If no timer and Joe is still on board the boat, Joe dies when the bomb is tripped by its discovery; if there is a timer, Joe dies if for some reason he is delayed in

It was luck and not timing, per se, that spared Joe from taking a deep dive into Davey Jones' locker along with the prized film. I figured before the explosion the Nazis would destroy the boat and its crew out of spite, but rigging the money container surprised me. That was an annoying plot hole.