
Besides the neglect and abject failure of local, state and federal government agencies to care and provide relief to those in need, there was also the criminal behavior of some NOPD officers who shot, killed, and then covered up the murder of various storm refugees.

The notion that one must die rather than surrender was part and parcel of Stalin's Order 270 from August 1941. It was the reason many returning Soviet POWs were treated as criminals by the state. Surrender was considered an act of collaboration.

Hi, Les, thank you, and Kevin, for all the reviews.

Fair enough. Money talks. But Strong has won Emmy and WGA awards for a couple of outstanding political dramas. Anyway, I liked 'Recount' and 'Game Change.' I hope this is just the start of a productive career.

This is not a slight against Alyson Hannigan, who I adored on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or How I Met Your Mother, but I never watched an episode of that show. I know it was successful and popular; I just do not care for situation comedies. So I guess that was my loss. My apologies to the zeitgeist for not

I know this is a Buffy remembrance, but I would have enjoyed some perspective on his most recent accomplishments. I find it ironic that, aside from David Boreanaz,he has had the most enduring and certainly the most interesting and productive career in entertainment after the fall of Sunnydale. Perhaps someday we

Another honorable mention is the scene on the rooftop from 'In the Dark,' an Angel episode, where he disrespects Angel. That scene always makes me smile.

Well, the director for 'School Hard,' where Spike and Drusilla first appeared, was John T. Kretchmer. He directed 'The Harvest' in the previous season and those two episodes would be it for that fellow. It appears he survived being black-balled by Mutant Enemy, if his listing on IMDb is at all accurate.

No, Spike is no more than 164 years old.

Ross was the other store. And Johnny Cochrane nodded agreement and told Clark that it was true that blacks preferred to shop at Ross.

The lack of originality is not noteworthy; however, the influx of time travel shows is of interest to genre fans. If you like that sort of thing, and I confess that I do, it is nice to have the opportunity to pick and choose from different takes on the subjects of time travel and/or alternative histories.

The top tier for me are Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Flash, Wonder Woman, the Martian Manhunter, and, God help me, Aquaman. These were the founding members of the JLA, although it can be argued that Martian Manhunter was not as prominent as the others. The others all had their own comic book titles whilst the

Never underestimate the skills and prowess of the Crimson Fox. Why just the other day she saved a sinking cruise ship. In the mean time, Flash was unceremoniously sucked into the Phantom Zone. Crimson Fox is definitely a top pick for anyone's super hero fantasy league.

"Bangs head on table" is your favorite sentence?

For me, it brought the BtVS episode 'Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered' to mind.

On a MacBook, which are everywhere in this show, I do. Command-space brings up Spotlight Search and entering a few letters will discover and open my favorite applications.

I bet Gideon would have gone with 'THX-1138' (lots of AI) or 'American Graffiti' (that other George Lucas and Ron Howard collaboration).

I have mixed feelings about the beat down on Savage. Yes, he was not an engaging villain, although he did have purpose. Yet even though the character came up short as a agent of menace and malice, dumping on one of your own actors feels a bit unfair.

Actually, Southern California suffers from June Gloom: spring brings many overcast though not rainy days. It is a well known weather pattern.

I disagree. The 'six months ago' tag does make sense from the perspective of 'Waverider' and Gideon.