
I 'member stormtroopers. Do you? (In fact I saw 'Rogue One' this morning so it does not take a lot of effort to remember stormtroopers for now.)

I think the film collection is one of those on-going mysteries that we will have to wait to be resolved. My theory is that The Man in the High Castle is like Minister Tomagi: he travels to alternative timelines or is from an alternative timeline. If from another timeline perhaps he works for a newsreel production

My television provides an Amazon app and, yes, the show is still streamed in UHD/4k. Check your application support. For example the Xbox One S supports 4k but the Amazon app hides the 4k stream.

If only Manhattan been given a third season.

I have read that David Milch, the Deadwood creator, opted to use modern profanity because he feared using profanity that was true to the era would make his characters sound like Yosemite Sam.

Timeless is keeping pace with its time slot competitors but is below average when compared to the average rating for NBC prime time. It's viewership hemorrhaged after its premier but then stabilized with a small but steady uptick over the past few weeks. I am no ratings expert, but I would guess that makes it a toss

The iTunes episode is 61 minutes. Last weeks episode was 63 minutes.

Most every television show takes an extended break in production this time of year. Given a serialized story why not clean up loose ends and set the table for the back half of the season? Besides serialized storytelling has only become prevalent in this past generation of television production. Past generations of

I do not think this is the pre-Flashpoint Laurel. Otherwise who was that woman in the vision that the Dominators used?

Oliver is not a hypocrite. If he were a hypocrite then he would be moralizing and chastising while at the same time killing with impunity. To be fair, Oliver is like Saul of Tarsus: the scales have fallen from his eyes. What intrigues me about this current season is Oliver being challenged with an entirely new

Because in my opinion 'Africa' is all about nostalgia and sentimentalism and that is right in the Member Berry wheelhouse.

It would be annoying for HR to be the traitor Wells again, but I believe the Savitar callout to a fake Wells has some merit to it beyond the false pretense HR used to come to Earth 1.

The stories this year center around STAR Labs and Iris, though welcome there as part of Team Flash, is not really a member of STAR Labs. So it seems odd for us that she always appears to be playing hooky from work.

One of many conundrums with her being a reporter is that Iris' place of work is not STAR labs or the the cop shop and, perhaps most of all, not an inherent site of action for The Flash.

Nooooo! I read the spoiler.

I am pretty sure Black Siren is still cooling her heels in STAR labs at this time. Heh, Barry is keeping her on ice to spare poor Team Arrows feelings.

I would not call the Lian Yu prison legitimate. It is certainly extra-legal, besides being run by some covert US agency.

I want my phone call!

That reminds me, did Flashpoint change any of that? I mean did the whole estrangement leading to acceptance thing happen in this timeline?

24 stretched the limits of credulity, but it made up for it in style.