

So I have a question about geography in the CW/DCU: I learned in this episode that Central City is in Missouri. Okay. It has to be somewhere in the USA. But I always thought it was by an ocean because of the docks and what not. Okay, so maybe not an ocean but perhaps located by a great river or lake. Missouri

It was wonderful to see the Gunslinger make an appearance. (Sharp eyes will detect it along with Bernard when he investigates B82 level.) So is this just a shout out or a real link to Michael Crichton's Westworld? I expect it to be the former, although B82 seems mighty decrepit for a high tech installation.

How does one dehumanize something which is not human?

True, but Sally started that fifth series of episodes dead. She was there at the end and she had agency. So I think of her as a survivor.

And Dylan, as played by Wes Bentley, was the Butcher's son.

Do you mean Church's costumed henchman? I believe that was Scimitar.

Scimitar sounds right as a character of that name was listed in the episode credits.

If memory serves, yes. She and her family gave shelter to the Governor in their flat as he struggled to get his mojo back.

Speaking on behalf of Chicago Cubs' fans, the teams world series appearance need not be a once in a lifetime experience.

Perhaps some can take Ezekiel's suggestion and leave but not leave.

So since Maseo and son are dead (and their deaths are pre-Flashpoint), may one suppose that the principle line of the Yamashiro's is extinguished? What is more, Katana is a Yamashiro in name only as she married into the family, right?

The car doors to Alissa's Audi were open when the householders stumbled upon it. (They were closed when Sydney and the cameraman stepped outside earlier.) So someone probably disabled the vehicle.

If we are on the same wavelength, then I think the callback scene was where Ash and the Olds literally drop into the Army of Darkness world. Right?

Yes, I think Matt/Gooding was watching the OJ car chase. That was cheeky direction.

Julian Albert has some compelling reason for not trusting Allen. So here is a poser, and assuming Albert is Dr. Alchemy, what if Dr. Alchemy is Flash's antagonist but not necessarily evil?

Which is more monstrous erasing a daughter or erasing a son? Also, the son appears in a Legends of Tomorrow episode as the successor to the Green Arrow, right?

I suppose the Dawson's Creek reference is a John W Shipp and Greg Berlanti Easter Egg(s). Shipp was Dawson's dad and Berlanti was a producer for the show.

I disagree. I read the novel before seeing the movie (on its release), so I was spoiler free. An essential dynamic to the story was between trust in science and belief in the supernatural: was Regan suffering from some physical malady causing some bizarre form of schizophrenia or did the devil make her do it. Of

In the scene with Diggle there is a map of the Balkans, so it seems fair to deduce that he is stationed somewhere in the Balkans. In this universe, there are American military forces stationed in the region but it is not a hot spot. Sixteen years ago it was: there were various NATO forces at work at that time. So