
Yet strange to say there was some truth to that statement. We have to have faith that with Thawne involved that some evil will come from this timeline rescue.

Although odd as she was a pediatric ophthalmologist. I guess Lasik can be for anybody, but it is not something I associate with pediatric medicine.

Sorry about this quibble, but is it really a spoiler when one of the producers make a public announcement regarding their program? I suppose safety first and it is certainly not a bad thing to protect those who want a pure viewing experience. But revealing an actor's future participation to TV Guide indicates that

I do not think it is a matter that they could not do the Flashpoint series. The talent is there and they were capable of doing it. But the powers that be chose not to do it because it would affect all the other properties now airing on the CW. It would have been fun but it would also have been confusing for fans of

Somehow I found his comment resonated with me when the Reverse Flash picked up Barry and observed on how this time he was going to be the hero. That aside, the Reverse Flash will appear as a villain on this season's Legends of Tomorrow, right?

Caitlin was a pediatric ophthalmologist (an eye doctor for children) and not an optometrist (a vision care professional). The former goes to medical school and is an MD and the latter goes to optometry school after college for an OD.

I liked the accidental chemistry betwixt Barry and Kara on the Flash crossover to Supergirl. I thought their interaction lit up the screen even though I knew that they could never be allowed to have any kind of relationship beyond a superhero-professional one. By the way, I almost never concern myself with so-called

So let us review: Jon is still a Stark, albeit on his mother's side instead of his father's. Jon lead the effort to put an end to the Bolton debacle, although a good argument can be made that he put his heart ahead of his head and almost lost the battle and the war. And, dare I say it, he is a man in a patriarchal

Two lines from Michael Corleone came to mind watching this episode. When Jon kisses Sansa on the forehead, 'You broke my heart, (Sansa).' And then a missing scene where Cersei declares, 'Today we settle all family business.' Okay, this is sophomoric but it was inescapable for me.

Yes, that gave me pause. But it is not a plot hole. Just one of those things about television. I suppose they could have inserted a title card ('… X number of weeks later'), but that would be out of the ordinary for this show.

So now how does the rest of Westeros get the word? In particular how will Jon react to the news?

I accept that time can pass and has passed but seeing Varys on the deck of the Targaryen fleet with Daenerys, Tyrion, et. al. gave me pause. But the fleet on its way to Westeros was a thrilling site to behold.

Jaime and Cersei, and Jon and Sansa are a fascinating counterpoint. Also Baelish and Sansa, and Cersei and Jaime exchanging telling glances was as rich and powerful as it was understated. Great stuff.

I saw that and immediately thought, 'Fatality!'

If it is what I think it is, well, not so much. Recall that Bran had visions of King Aerys and the suggestion that the pyromancers stashed wildfyre throughout parts of Kings Landing.

I feel like the Blackfish broke the fourth wall when he said it had been years since he had last fought with a sword and that he feared embarrassing himself in battle.

Following Arya's most baffling behavior in last weeks episode, tonights resolution to Arya's escape from Braavos plot was not what I was expecting. Indeed, for me last weeks events spoiled tonight's resolution.

ETR(emove): Nope, what I wrote was not at all germane to the discussion. Sorry.

That is Mischa, Jr. to you, buddy. :-) I wonder if Mischa's real name is Mikhail?

My take on those aspersions on Pastor Tim's character is that they were the expectations of bored and needy fans responding to the hideous wig worn by Kelly AuCoin.