
gangnam style musical


is this a bit?

but i love armen weitzman! my favorite parts are when he starts spiraling and is unable to finish a complete sentence. it works for me. i can almost feel his emotional journey with each word.

this is the most i have ever loved Vanessa Bayer i could not stop laughing at that bit.

start with episode 60 of comedy bang bang, then go in order of appearance. for real it is beautiful.

that's gotta hurt!

a piece with some good points but … let's not pretend that this isn't actually more of an endgame moment Ben Wyatt and his career, as it is probably most likely HE becomes the primary at-home parent while Leslie can chase her political dreams.

i think we all agree that the final moment of Mad Men should be Sally being elected as the first woman president.

I couldn't really get into this episode. I mostly just agreed with whatever Britta was saying the whole time.

Buffy is totally my favorite!

I laughed a lot less at this episode than i have at the previous, but i agree that the character work was executed wonderfully in this ep.

It's a movie that I like a lot, but have to acknowledge a lot of the "gross-out-humor" doesn't work all that well. and when a crude joke doesn't land it's way more obvious than a more subtle gag. Overall though it has a really strange sweet comic sensibility and I had fun with the kid-detectives premise.

Terry is so wrong about Breathless it drives me crazy!! Sure Truffaut wrote a basic story outline, but Godard wrote the script pages pretty much on the fly! I'll admit it's probably Godard's most contained crime story, but it's still a Godard film no doubt.

But I actually want to see that thumb war movie FOR REAL!!

Every week I find myself wishing Santiago was the main character instead of Peralta. She's so great!!!!

It could have been a cool sketch set-up but they went for a really boring obvious confrontation. i feel like the writing was especially unimaginative last night.

I don't like that SNL always type-casts McCarthy as an uneducated violent gross person. She's talented and can do other things and the repetitiveness really hurt the episode despite a very beautiful weekend update.

I thought Huebel was nothing but a pure delight on Doug Loves Movies. His commitment to visual bits just made him more of a charming madman.

I think a drastic character shift with a real unexpected villain would be the best thing possible for this show. The writers still need to convince us that anything insane can happen (like almost any other Whedon show has done pretty well). Plus, that would be a lot of fun.