
I love these genre mashup-ups, but Mixology Certification is genuinely my all time favorite episode. I don't think we've seen a more touching and honest look at these characters since.

my favorite line of the night, hands down

Britta is my favorite too

The Acting, Directing, and Storytelling have really improved over the last couple episodes. However, there is still WAY TOO MUCH EX POSITIONAL DIALOGUE. They need to stop over explaining why things are important and just show how the characters react. The first 20 minutes of every episode is so dull for long stretches

Rob Huebel was doing a hero's job in entertaining me in this ep. he is my favorite agent of shield #$BLSYAL

Every second of screen time with Adam Scott was a delight. I never thought he would be the funniest part of the show but wow it was a good night for Ben jokes.

The show is a lot of fun, but i think the quality drastically hinges on how likeable and fun the guests are each week. The only episode I absolutely adored was the one with Amy Poehler and Maya Rudolph.

i was disappointed in the music but oh boy do i love everything about Dule Hill in this episode

The only sketch I really liked was the fleetwood mac song one.

If you're going to bring in Paul Rust, you've got to give him a sillier character than THAT.

The Wire - Haim
Hannah Hunt - Vampire Weekend
Black Skinhead - Kanye West
Retrograde - James Blake
Chum - Earl Sweatshirt
Knee Socks - Arctic Monkeys

for me 229 is a clear front runner, i think it's the only ep i've revisited multiple times

that bug from earlier should be "off pudding"

oh gosh give me a spinoff show where Mark Brendanawicz teaches Bobby Newport all about the world and how to be an adult

Pawnee is about ten years behind though, Tom doesn't even have the heart to tell them what happens to Kurt Cobain

Caroline is a genius

Chelsea Peretti is a star, and she should always wear a tie

for the very first time I thought Jamm was funny and incredible as a character I don't know what was different but oh brudder did I laugh.

I keep reading these things hoping you'll say something to convince me to jump back on board and start watching these episodes. Man, hopefully next time I guess.

he's always "down to clown"