mr natural

No mansplaining needed; I'm just a nerd.

Remember; Mad Men opens every week with a short film showing us what's exactly what's happening to Don Draper. He's falling.

Betty smokes after getting laid. I had forgotten. Planet Of the Apes will blow a child's mind upon first viewing. So will 2001, BTW. Megan was wearing Mao's red star with white panties. Dudes used to pump your gas. It was hard to keep track of everything in "The Better Half" 'cause the sirens just wouldn't stop! How

I hope they have joints in this sequel. It would be a lot cooler if they did.

Yeah, if you're going to be raped it's less painful and dehumanizing if your attacker is attractive. Amirite girls?

After I was raped by a prostitute, my step mom beat me with a big wooden spoon. That experience had nothing to do with me having fucked up relationships with all the women in my life. Not at all.

T-Pain asks a good question there at the end. Penetration is the key that unlocks the "am I having sex with someone?" door, if you catch my drift.



I bet Walter Blanco's  wife will be way hotter.

Yeah, despite the murder and attempted rape, Hud came out on top, money-wise, but what about his soul? Aw, fuck it, Hud always wins, cause handsome, charismatic, murdering sociopaths can always find a home in Texas. We think they're cool.

Don should try "Horseman, Pass By" next. Maybe reading a book about a handsome, charismatic, rapey sociopath living in west Texas will set his mind right.

There are no second acts in Australian life…..Greg Ham.

It was dubbed "Iron Bum", "Wanker" and "arsehole" for the UK version.

I used to call Mario Machado funny names. "Iron Butt." "Boner." Once I even called him…"asshole." But there was always respect. RIP

No, he looked happy because his loving wife, a beautiful twentysomething TV star, had called him Superman and was sucking his penis without having been asked.

Teenage Caveman does not need to be re-made. It's perfect as it is. Horrible acting, terrible dialogue, laughable costumes, and a story that unfolds like watching paint dry in slow motion. Roger Corman provides his usual " Cut, print, who gives a shit, we got 42 other set ups to do before we lose the light"

I read on the AV Club that Adam Carolla bit some metal guitar player on the arm, it got infected, and the dude just died last week. And Dr. Drew didn't say shit. That's why he can't give advice anymore.

Henry Rollins also said "I AM the one who knocks" Which is pretty fuckin' scary if you think about it.

Instead of Slayer, they should have named the band Killed By A Spider, amirite?