mr natural

I love the western genre and am always happy to see when a new one is being made. While Jane Got A Gun is being produced in a highly dysfunctional way, it's too late to shut it down (pay to play!) It's not the first movie to go off the rails during the shoot, and it won't be the last.

" I'm almost 25 and people think I'm in high school" -says Bastard People. Almost 25? That explains why you're such a  douche.

You still suck.

You suck.

I just knew some troll would try to shit all over a childhood memory of a traumatic event. And it wasn't even the least bit clever or funny. Just moronic. Bastard People, you suck.

"I can honestly say I didn't really need a Bobby Draper storyline" Todd, you may have not needed it, but I sure did. I was about Bobby's age when MLK was assassinated,  My mother, sister, and I were watching one of our favorite shows, Bewitched, that Thursday night around 8 PM. Elizabeth Montgomery was awesome, BTW.

That soft spot is called a fontanelle. It should firm up when you get a little older.

As in writes like shit, amirite? I kid. Tasha wrote some good stuff. I just can't remember any of it.

If I ever got high with JB, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't stop talkin' shit, even though I politely asked him to stop. And then I would wind up being kicked off the bus for punching him in his stupid face.That's my dream. That's my nightmare.

Nathan Rabin is an excellent writer. His last big post on the Juggalos was terrific. I shall miss him on the AV Club. The other two, not so much.

Not only are women's breasts awesome, but they also feed my babies. It's a win-win.

I'm confused. Is it Old Spanish or Dirty Sanchez?

Works for me too.

He sorta looks like a young, vaguely Chechen Bob Dylan.

Amanda asked me to write that poem for her. For some beer money. I said hell no, so she wrote it herself.

Poor Tom. He stopped acting a long time ago. He's just a movie star now.

m83, new order, django, bad religion

Italics. Hmmmmmmmmmmm

Poor proofreading on my part. But I have a good excuse: Terrance Malick's movies are awful.