mr natural

Trying to be funny, but I guess grammar Nazis have no sense of humor. Peace!

Go fuck's yourself's.

Uh, they're not called intro's, they're called titles. That being said, my fave is Deadwood.

Please stop being so hard on TWD. It's a show about zombies, not Shakespeare.It is, and always be, about the head shots. Any good acting or real drama is just a plus.

Jason, you are a hack of the first order. You wrote a whole post about Grunge that didn't mention Neal Young or Alice In Chains. Please go find some Nathan Rabin posts about pop culture that were featured in this once awesome, now mediocre, AV Club and see how it's done.

He never wanted to kill, he is not naturally evil. He's done all this to make himself more attractive to you, has he failed?

Morrissey is, hands down, the best actor on TWD. He makes Andrew Lincoln's Rick look like the sad sack he so obviously is. These last two episodes were a breath of fresh air.

"Manhood" and "her sex" are Victorian slang for penis and vagina. It's not offensive, it's just weird.

WTF? "her sex"? A A Dowd's prose is from a different time and it's not good.

This movie also turned me on to K horror and Korean films in general. They're very American-bitches, guns, cars, yet have that special Korean twist.

Necrophilia is a victim-less crime because the vagina's are dead.

Great first episode! It's taken a long time, but these characters are acting less cartoonish. I think the show would improve even more if the Old Man character was replaced by a sassy, yet wise, black granny. It would make those incessant talks with Rick less painful.

Super 8 was kind of boring, not enough of the monster.

This movie sounds great!

This post seems like an excuse for some on the AV staff to needlessly whine. Pablo Picasso put his cigarette out on his GF's face and John Lennon beat his first wife and probably killed his best friend. I guess in the future when our robot overlords make all the art, the AV staff can blame them for how soulless it all

Yes. Like Mike Love, Dick Cheney is dead to me.

If they was any justice in the world, Danny Masterson would be dead.

Like Hitler, Stalin, and Dick Cheney before him, Mike Love will scream forever as he feels the searing flames of hell. Seriously.

God help me, I love her so.

In Soviet Union, you don't see Jaden Smith movie-Jaden Smith movie sees you!