Joey Votto is just that good.
Joey Votto is just that good.
Is there any traditionalist concept in sports more ridiculous than the "Original" Six? It's misleading and overly-nostalgic in general, but it should ultimately be meaningless to anybody born after the early 1960s.
@avclub-323ca7b091beb1b26cc7a2612f1475d5:disqus Oh, I never said they don't deserve to be hated. I'm not a fan of either team.
I'm old, and my parents text. They even do the shit I refuse to, typing stuff like "R U coming 2 Easter dinner?" That really bugs me, because my mom still corrects me if I don't use adverbs proper.
UNC is a legendary basketball school, consistently one of the best programs for decades. The rivalry with Duke has been blown up in the popular imagination to ridiculous levels, comparable to Yanks v Sox, Celtics v Lakers, Ohio State v Michigan, Bears v Packers, India v Pakistan. Neither Clemson or South Carolina…
Our sports teans are the superior sports teans, clearly.
There is nothing that South Carolina can do to ever be considered the "real" Carolina. All people think of when they hear "South Carolina" is swamps, restricted country clubs and biker gangs at Myrtle Beach.
The other day an old mp3 of Pavement covering "1979" live came up on my iTunes (they did this a few times during the Terror Twilight tour, I think) and I couldn't help but think that it sounds much better when Malkmus sings it.
You're shupposhed to take that card out of tha deck!
Duck seasoning!
Yeah. Why does nobody else posting here seem to notice this (at least, at first)?
Also, your last paragraph there reminds me of a few years ago when, shortly after returning from the grocery store, my dad felt a pain in his chest. My mom, who has a nursing degree, realized he was having a heart attack.
The A.V. Club
becoming all isolated and weird
When I read this sentence in the review, I merely just thought that Erik didn't really make it clear that an actual earthquake in Northridge damaged the Film Roman facilities and delayed the production of this episode.
"Well, what would you call it?"
Apparently, the SPD's helicopter is Blue Thunder, because you couldn't hear that chopper at all before the light came on.
"this was the first opportunity to see the show in its primordial stages, to have their fond memories of The One with Blinky or The One with Dustin Hoffman reinforced (or proven wrong)"
We good!
Yeah, Marquee Moon is a great album.
I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller…