
Man, I already spend too much time watching TV and movies.  The idea of "hate-watching" shows (hour-long ones, no less) just doesn't make sense.

Bring back Wagon Train!

Please tell me that "misteak" was intentional.

Yeah, I've done my best to ignore the minor misquotes on this page so far, but this is kind of a big one.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus Oh, thanks, now I can't get that out of my head.

Penn was the "voice" of CC back then, but I don't think he visually appeared in any promos.

The bit with the female impersonator even corresponds with Ronnie Kray's bisexuality.

"Here, hang on!  What's that?"
"It's my mascot"
"A pig?!"
[I love the confident gap left by Viv here]
"It is!"
"It's not, it's a ferret - a severely deformed ferret, I grant you that.  So severely deformed, in fact, that it looks a little bit like a pig"
"It looks exactly like a pig!"
"Yes, well, it certainly has been

I want to agree with this, but Eric Idle as that nightclub MC who catches, with his hands, his own slobber on his chin, might be the defining sleaze-bag on the show.

The Gumbys are kind of the ol' Brit equivalent of the "ugly American"/bumpkin type.  The tied-up handkerchief on the head to keep the sun off, the rolled-up trousers and shirts, "I'm no racialist, but…" etc etc.

"Friday night is movie night with Mystery Science Theater 3000, hur hur!"

I was wondering that, but maybe they just don't have anything else to pair it with (what with the Louie hiatus) and didn't want to show yet another half hour of Charlie Sheen…?

'Cause that's how Roughriders roo-ooooll

Hmm - as a person completely uninterested in the Killing, I assume the point has been made before, but that picture of her really looks like Gollum.

Oh, SNL - how do you so consistently take a funny concept and just mangle the shit out of it?

- the AV Club indulges to think, en masse

Fuck the Pirates.

Hey, at least they want to do the smart thing and use a high draft pick on yet another franchise forward instead of a defenseman!  I mean, it's worked so well for the Oilers, right?

That was DiPietro of the NY Islanders, yes.  Roberto Luongo was the Isles "goalie of the future" who they promptly traded after drafting DiPietro.  Bobby Lu has had his ups and downs since then, but this is one of the many reasons why anybody who knows anything about hockey will never pay any attention to what Mike

I'm sure it's been discussed many times, but does anybody know why WoT? isn't added to the Newswire section, normally, until sometime in the afternoon?