For years, whenever I looked at TV listings and I saw some show called "Wild N' Out", I just assumed it was probably a reality show about younger, recently-outed gay dudes and lesbians who were livin' it up, MTV-style.
For years, whenever I looked at TV listings and I saw some show called "Wild N' Out", I just assumed it was probably a reality show about younger, recently-outed gay dudes and lesbians who were livin' it up, MTV-style.
"Just make the check out to 'Eddie Hitler'."
"Oh, ha ha! Any relation?'
@avenuehebrew:disqus I should point out that I assume that what you see of him on Tim & Eric really is probably not that far out from what he's really like - I was just pointing out that he's probably not totally clueless or anything.
From the kickstarter page:
I was rewatching a Check It Out episode a few weeks ago in which DLH showed up, and at one point that seemed like it might actually have been candid he said something like "When am I getting paid for this, again? I am an actor, you know".
In one of the supplements on the Blu Ray for Repo Man, Sandoval recounts how he got the role of Archie (he was there to read for one of the Rodriguez Bros) - Alex Cox came up to him and, using a stupid, Yogi Bear-ish voice, asked "Can you talk like this?"
I know that's right, but despite the actual concept, I will always think of it as "Ro-Bo-Bo"
Uh, pally?
Capt. Lou Albano!
Dinner Dog did seem very excited about the concept of dinner. And he was a dog!
I can tell you how to get there - just get on the Freeway to Some Other State.
But…isn't that because SNL mostly sucks?
Archer gets shouty sometimes?
Oh, there has been much, much worse (see the entirety of Jenny & the Ess Dog), but I was just trying to say that it veers more towards the direction of "worst stuff he's written"
Wow, I'd actually rank that line from SM more in the "worst stuff he has written" category
I think you mean third coming, or are we forgetting a little thing called the Look Who's Talking franchise?
I saw him a few years ago when he was the headliner, and I would agree that he was very funny, but the act was very unflinching re: his personal life.
@avclub-97b2d5e5f92c333976018236d76658d9:disqus Actually, I'm just thinking now that the place might be empty as shit.