
Word.  I've gone through my phases of liking/disliking Carrey throughout the last 20+ years (as a middle-schooler, I loved him on In Living Color, but then grew tired of him when he became a movie star, but loved lots of his Dumb and Dumber bits, didn't care about the Truman Show but loved Eternal Sunshine, all while

The dude wondered why people would dislike Kaye.  I provided a not-overly-long answer as to why I dislike him.  It was hardly a foaming-at-the-mouth rant.

The last actual Shah of Iran (Mohammed Reza Pahlavi) died, exiled in Cairo, in 1980.

TCM shows Callaway Went Thataway every once in a while.  In fact, they're showing it later this month: June 24th, 7 am.

@wolfmansRazor:disqus You are clearly getting vibrations from me.  I know of Danny Kaye, and I dislike him (though to say I "actively" dislike might be pushing it).  I watched a bit of one of his movie 15 years ago (can't recall which one) and I just remember him annoying the hell out of me.

You say that as if non-rural West Virginia actually exists.

Aw, dang it.  My initial thought was that it was Kentucky Nightmare, but then I thought, "no, wait, I don't have that DVD, so I couldn't have heard the commentary".

There's another episode where they sneak it in, some disembodied voice saying it is just inserted randomly into the show.  So, you know, typical SGC2C kinda stuff.

If they need more money for this project, just remind them that one of paper equals four of coin.

but not about Amy Schumer.

Hey, King Tuff
Don't you think we've suffered enough?

His non-union Mexican equivalent?


Up the chain!

I was thinking the same thing.

The Sundance Channel also shows it a lot.

For some reason, Disqus added the close-parentheses to the URL (which isn't obvious, because it does that "…" thing instead of showing the whole URL).  So I just put it that bottom this time.

I couldn't help but think of Achewood's "Deconstructing Hawkwind Mythology" minor sight-gag when I saw this article.

@avclub-96d5a6aac738589c6314561f56a8a6c5:disqus "I at least bore witness to my Chicago joke - I moved there in 2007 and
met only 1 Blackhawks fan. Suddenly in (late spring) 2010 everyone owned
a Toews jersey and was the biggest.fan.ever."

It's always worth pointing out that if you DVR something on an HD channel, it's probably taking up about 4 times the space on your DVR than recording it from the non-HD version of the channel (at least, that's how it is on my DVR).