Heh. That game was hilarious. I was about to turn it off about midway through the 3rd, but then I thought, "Well, if the Bruins get a goal here soon, anything could happen" - you know what they say about 2 goal leads in hockey.
Heh. That game was hilarious. I was about to turn it off about midway through the 3rd, but then I thought, "Well, if the Bruins get a goal here soon, anything could happen" - you know what they say about 2 goal leads in hockey.
I still think "Pod People" when I hear @avclub-78ee810ca8fcfefd4b19c1519f440cb8:disqus 's quote.
Thou shalt not horn in on thy husband's racket.
Dude, he's ragging on your cord.
I agree with @avclub-3ec1c504e763c9881efb85805ba70e69:disqus above, and would like to add that this is a perfect example of that Simpsons sensibility of switching on a dime from self-delusive, misdirecting soap-boxin' to a self-satisfied, oblivious quasi-admission of guilt.
I already posted a bit about this in the What's On Tonight thread earlier, but I got to see this a few weeks ago at a festival and two of the analysts featured prominently (one was Storer, mentioned above) in the movie were there for a discussion afterward, and their openness was even more evident than in the movie.
Oh yeah, @avclub-7a695e3e9350d6dfae244623a591f45a:disqus ? Well, you can cram it with walnuts, ugl…wait, I'm not a Sens fan. What do I care?
It's like how the cute baby who does nothing funny always wins America's Funniest Home Videos!
I'm looking forward to watching those games in the Air Canada Centre. Just imagine the raucous playoff atmosphere! A bunch of…rich business men, wearing suits, getting to their seats about 12 minutes into the first period.
I got to see Manhunt at a documentary film festival about a month ago. It's interesting enough and differs a bit from Zero Dark Thirty in that it spends the first half or so focusing on the somewhat minimal focus the CIA had on bin Laden/Al Qaeda before 9/11.
What, you got a problem with state school tech geeks, @avclub-ae8701619ce653b1843fd1909716e3b0:disqus …or should I say, Kevin McFarland?
This episode was not very good. At all.
I think that extra "z" is a little over-the-Top.
Nathan Fielder is probably more feminine than Amy Schumer, though.
Eh, I think @avclub-57f4bb993d7160a02eafdb3fb99835af:disqus has a point. I never saw them live back in the day, but I was a huge NMH fan in the mid/late 90's and, as much as I still love those two albums, I am also weary of the pop-deification of Mangum.
@avclub-5a1c0dcc8243c086c74ee944052f6f0f:disqus Where is this zoo that has a huge erection?
@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus Thanks for straightenin' it out.
And the TCM Sunday night import is the most foreigny foreign film that was ever filmed foreignly: The Seventh Seal.
Danger! Death (Nicholas) Ray
I laughed way too much at "Queeeeeer he comes/Mr. Super Gay Chicago!" (or whatever it was followed up with). Pally suddenly launching himself off the couch, his beer gut a frozen tidal wave over his tighty whities, the reactions of Cuthbert, etc.